Along the lines of a Da Vinci Code mystery

The Secrets of Life and Death by Rebecca Alexander is the female author version of Dan Brown's Da Vinci Code or any of his other amazing novels. 

I thoroughly enjoyed the character change with every chapter, much like how my previous review copy of The Good Suicides was organized. I think that it makes for a much better flow of information than perhaps a character change mid-chapter. Although sometimes that mid-chapter lane change is needed, it can get tiring throughout a novel. 

Professor Felix Guichard is involved in solving an interesting death of a young lady whom has symbols engraved in her skin. Professor Guichard believes they are linked back to Dr John Dee, the Elizabethan Alchemist and Occultist in Krakow.

This was a quick read and easy to understand; just in case you have had a previous issue with language and history from Brown's novels. Occult has always been a very interesting topic to write/read about both in fiction and non-fiction. Alexander goes into detail and I could feel exactly what the character was going through during the read. 


Link to Amazon is below for purchase! 


I received this book from Blogging for Books for this review.